Wyre Data UK Restaurant Finder by Town or City

Wyre Data - UK Restaurant API

An API to search for all restaurants, pubs, bars, cafes, coffee shops and nightclubs in the UK. Find establishment names, addresses, postcodes, food hygiene ratings, local authorities, latitudes, longitudes and plenty more!

Town/City Search Widget

Search for restaurants by Town/City

Try out our Town/City search widget (widget returns x 100 results but the API will return all results). Search for restaurants by town/city e.g. 'Oxford'. The below example results contain only a subset of available data e.g. Business Name, Address, Postcode, Food Hygiene Rating and Local Authority. Much more information (more data fields) is returned if you use the actual API endpoint e.g. Lat/lng, Business Type, Score dates etc. We built this front end so you can see a sample API in action. This town/city search widget is powered by the Wyre Data 'Find all restaurants within a town/city' API.

Search Results

Please search for a town or city above to see the results.